Excellent change

June 20, 2010

Change management in-a-box

I have to admit it, I love models – even if they simplify complex matters and put people into linear boxes. It helps me navigate the changes I’m involved in, and reflect on those issues that we might forget in our eager to introduce new ways to the organisation.

So, here’s a quick tour de force of the different “box-models” I’ve come across that describes the transitional process of introducing change:

3 Box:
Unfreeze -> Freeze -> Refreeze (Lewin)
Prepare -> Execute -> Sustain (Cohen)

4 Box:
Dissatisfaction -> Vision -> process -> Cost (Beer)
Discovery -> Dream -> Design -> Sustain (Srivastava)

5 Box:
Awareness -> Desire -> Knowledge -> Ability -> Reinforcement (Prosci)
Denial -> Anger -> Bargaining -> Depression -> Acceptance (KublerRoss)

7 Box:
Need for change -> Shared vision -> Mobilizing commitment -> Aligning structure -> Leadership -> Monitoring results -> Making change last (CAP model)

8 Box:
Increase urgency -> Bulid the guiding team -> Get vision right -> Communicate for buy-in -> Empower action -> Create short-term wins -> Don’t let up -> Make change stick (Kotter)

10 Box:
Analyze organisation and need for change -> Shared vision -> Separate from the past -> Create sense of urgency -> Support strong leader role -> line up political sponsorship -> craft implementation plan -> develop enabling structures -> communicate, involve and be honest -> reinforce and institutionalize (Todd Jick)

To me, the red thread is clear – and what really separate great change practitioners from others is their ability to transform “boxes” to people and results.

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